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Resources for Philanthropy

"Philanthropy has a vital role in creating a glad tomorrow for us Aboriginal peoples. We ask you, philanthropy, to listen to us deeply, to practice dadirri, and walk beside us as friends, partners and co-imaginers. We want philanthropy to understand, and even enter, our dreaming..."

Peter Aldenhoven, Willum-Warrain Gathering Place, Hastings
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Building enduring, respectful relationships with our Aboriginal partner organisations has been at the core of Woor-Dungin’s work from the beginning. We know through experience that mutual trust and reciprocity benefit all parties in any endeavour.  
We listen deeply to the needs of Aboriginal communities, enabling self-determined solutions which acknowledge the asymmetry of power and resources in the traditional philanthropic ecosystem and share these understandings with our partners in Philanthropy.


Facilitated Learning 

Woor-Dungin delivers organisational change programs for Philanthropy to develop new understandings working with Aboriginal communities.

Decolonising Philanthropy: Cultural Audit and Toolkit

Our “Decolonising Philanthropy: Cultural Audit and Toolkit” is comprised of two elements: an internal self-assessment or audit tool which participants can subsequently use to track and measure how their organisation changes in response to new understandings about working with Aboriginal communities, and a Training facilitated by an expert Woor-Dungin and First Nations cultural presenter. This project is funded by LMCF, CAGES foundation, Dusseldorp Forum and McLeod Family Foundation.


The toolkit and training launched in October 2024. To register your interest and get our free “Right Way, Wrong Way, Which Way?” guide fill out the form below.

Right Way, Wrong Way,
Which Way?

Get this free Guide on how philanthropy can engage respectfully and effectively with Aboriginal community-controlled organisations and the communities they serve.

Your guide is on the way

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On Country Gatherings & Visits 

Woor-Dungin meets on country with Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations throughout the year as part of our working relationship with them. In addition to our Staff, we bring other pro-bono service providers to assist communities with the specific issues we discuss between the visits. We also bring representatives of philanthropic organisations whose interest we have secured in the communities' projects and goals. 

We also organise an annual On Country Gathering for Aboriginal Controlled Community Organisations throughout Victoria at different location each year. No other organisation provides philanthropy and Aboriginal Communities the means to come together over three days to learn from one another and to nurture new friendships and understandings.

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Woor-Dungin leverages the trust and strong personal relationships it has developed with ACCOs since its inception to offer philanthropy introductions to potential partners in First Nations communities.


These introductions can be made through on-country visits – the strong preference of Aboriginal organisations – or remotely.


We invite you to view the following Webinar: 


Executive Webinar: "Right Way, Wrong Way, Which Way?"

Cultural Awareness and Respectful Funding Relationships with Aboriginal Australia 
A Webinar organised by Woor-Dungin, Pro-Bono Australia and the Fellowship for Indigenous Leadership  
Belinda Duarte from Culture is Life and Genevieve Timmons from the Paul Ramsay Foundation explore some of the barriers to respectful funding relationships and the meaning of cultural awareness and cultural safety in this important webinar which took place in February 2017. 

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